Buddhism Question Preview (ID: 25737)
Review Of Terms.
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This is a hand position on a Buddha statue.
a) Mantra
b) Mudra
c) Stupa
d) Lama
This is a word or phrase chanted for meditation.
a) Mudra
b) Haiku
c) Mantra
d) Mahayana
An ___________________ is someone who gives up worldly pleasures.
a) Bodhisattva
b) Guru
c) Stupa
d) Ascetic
This is a form of Zen poetry that originated in Japan.
a) Haiku
b) Mantra
c) Mudra
d) Theravada
This is the belief that you do not need to go to extremes to achieve enlightenment.
a) Impermanence
b) Middle Way
c) Eightfold Path
d) Four Noble Truths
According to the Four Noble Truths, what is the root of all suffering.
a) Hard work
b) Cravings; Selfish wanting
c) Impermanence
d) Selflessness
What part of the Eight-Fold Path instructs us to be careful and truthful in what we say?
a) Right Action
b) Right Understanding
c) Right Effort
d) Right Speech
The Eight-Fold Path is most closely related to what Hindu belief?
a) Karma
b) Dharma
c) Samsara
d) Reincarnation
Which branch of Buddhism spread South from India and holds the belief that only monks can achieve enlightenment?
a) Zen
b) Mahayana
c) Theravada
d) Tibetan
Which branch of Buddhism believes in Collective Nirvana?
a) Mahayana
b) Zen
c) Theravada
d) Tibetan
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