La Comunidad- Esp 1 Question Preview (ID: 25730)
Community Vocab.
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The word for gym in Spanish is...
a) el gimnasia
b) el gimnasio
c) la gimnasia
d) la gimnasio
The English meaning of la escuela is...
a) the synagogue
b) the store
c) the park
d) the school
To say mall, the Spanish word or phrase is...
a) el malo
b) el centro
c) el centro comercial
d) None of the above
Adonde vas is a phrase that asks...
a) where you are from
b) where you are going
c) where are you
d) what are you going to do
The Spanish word for city is...
a) el esiti
b) la esiti
c) el ciudad
d) la ciudad
During this chapter, el campo was used to mean...
a) the camp
b) the city
c) the mountains
d) the country
Which of the following is NOT a religious building?
a) la sinagoga
b) la iglesia
c) la piscina
d) la mezquita
The word for library is...
a) El libreria
b) La libreria
c) El biblioteca
d) La biblioteca
La iglesia is the Spanish word for...
a) the church
b) the synagogue
c) the mosque
d) the pool
The word la sinagoga is the Spanish for...
a) the school
b) the city
c) the church
d) the synagogue
La mezquita means...
a) the month
b) the mosque
c) March
d) Mom
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