Physical Science Review Question Preview (ID: 25659)

Physical Science Second Semester Final Study Games. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A slinky is an example of what type of wave
a) Longitudinal
b) Horizontal
c) Vertical
d) Sound

The SI Unit used to measure time is:
a) meter
b) kilogram
c) kelvin
d) second

According to the Law of Conservaion of Energy, the total amount of energy in the universe:
a) increases
b) changes
c) stays the same
d) changes constantly

A screw is:
a) inclined plane and a wedge
b) pulley and a wheel
c) wheel and axle and a lever
d) gear and pulley

An object in motion,
a) Will eventually stop
b) Stays still
c) Stays in motion
d) Changes direction and speed

Force is equal to
a) meters times altitude
b) torque times distance
c) minutes per action
d) mass times accelleration

A rollercoaster starts at the top of a hill with 100 Joules of energy. Halfway down the hill it has 50 Joules of potential energy and _________Joules of Kinetic ENergy.
a) 5
b) 50
c) 100
d) 25

The highest point in a wave is the
a) trough
b) wavelength
c) frequency
d) crest

Positively charged atomic particles are
a) Protons
b) Neutrons
c) Electrons
d) Ions

Which famous chemist's dying mother rode him 600 miles on horseback so he could attend college only to discover he wasn't accepted to that school?
a) Dalton
b) Fermi
c) Newton
d) Mendeleev

The number of digits that are scientifically accepted in a number is found using:
a) Scientific Notation
b) Rounding
c) Significant Figures
d) Metric Units

Which element is least likely to bond to others?
a) Helium
b) Hydrogen
c) Carbon
d) Silicone

When drawing electron configuration, you must:
a) double electrons in every empty space before moving on to the next electron space
b) fill empty places first before doubling electrons
c) draw a proton and a neutron for each electron
d) fill each level with at least one electron before filling in second or third orbitals

Which of the following is not a simple machine
a) Inclined Plane
b) Gears
c) Pulley
d) Wheel and Axle

Which of the following causes change in speed, direction, or both?
a) Balanced Forces
b) Wheel and Axle
c) Unbalanced Forces
d) Velocity

Which item is capable of causing more damage?
a) A scooter going 45 miles per hour
b) A semi truck going 15 miles per hour

When the crest of one wave overlaps the crest of another wave, what happens?
a) Constructive Interference
b) Destructive Interference
c) The world as we know it is forever altered
d) THis is a false question as waves can never touch

You feel warm when sunbathing due to:
a) Convection
b) Radiation
c) Conduction
d) Sunscreen

When standing at the edge of cliff you possess what type of energy:
a) Kinetic
b) Thermal
c) Kinesthetic
d) Potential

The north charge of a magnet is attracted to ___________and repelled by ________________.
a) South, North
b) North, South
c) West, North
d) West, East

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