3rd Nine Weeks Exam Question Preview (ID: 25639)

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____ is the process of liquid water changing into a gas.
a) precipitation
b) condensation
c) evaporation
d) water vapor

_____ can be found in the stratosphere
a) stratus clouds
b) ozone
c) ionosphere
d) exopshere

Earth's atmosphere is diveded into layers based on changes in
a) pressure
b) altitude
c) oxygen levels
d) temperature

Which type of cloud often produce thunderstorms?
a) nimbostratus
b) cumulonimbus
c) cumulus
d) stratus

What are the narrow belts of high-speed winds that blow about 10 km up?
a) westerlies
b) polar easterlies
c) jet streams
d) trade winds

What is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere?
a) nitorgen
b) oxygen
c) hydrogen
d) carbon dioxide

____ is the coldest layer of the atmosphere.
a) troposphere
b) stratosphere
c) mesosphere
d) thermosphere

Wind is created by differnces in
a) air temperature
b) humidity
c) air pressure
d) altitude

Which type of air mass could contain warm, wet air?
a) continental tropical
b) maritime tropical
c) maritime polar
d) continental polar

Which layer of the atmosphere is the uppermost?
a) troposhere
b) stratosphere
c) mesosphere
d) thermosphere

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