Chapter 10 Review B Question Preview (ID: 256)

Questions To Prepare You For Your Chapter 10 Test. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Frederick Muhlenberg was the first _______________________________?
a) Secretary of State
b) Secretary of War
c) speaker of the House of Representatives
d) president pro tempore of the Senate

The first secretary of war in the United States was?
a) Henry Knox
b) Benjamin Franklin
c) John Fenno
d) Thomas Jefferson

Ratification is
a) a vote of approval
b) a punishment for rebelling
c) a game of chance
d) a congressional appointment

Advisors to a president are called the
a) cabinet
b) election
c) Senate
d) political party

A weak central government was supported by
a) Thomas Jefferson
b) John Smith
c) George Washington
d) Alexander Hamilton

"Loose construction" refers to how the Federalists interpreted the
a) Constitution
b) Magna Carta
c) Articles of Confederation
d) Bill of Rights

The Democratic-Republicans were supported by people who lived in the
a) South
b) North
c) East
d) West

The convention of 1800 was an agreement between the United States and
a) France
b) Spain
c) Mexico
d) Great Britain

In George Washington's Farewell Address he
a) warned against developing political parties
b) decided to stay for a third term as president
c) suggested the United States end their neutral political policies
d) supported the Federalist Party

John Fenno was the editor of the
a) Gazette of the United States of America
b) Washington Post
c) Constitution of the United States of America
d) Daily Journal

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