1920's, Great Depression And WWII Question Preview (ID: 25328)

1920's, Gret Depression And WWII. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following was NOT a reaction to the social changes of the 1920s?
a) Rise of the KKK
b) The trial of Sacco and Vanzetti
c) Charles Lindberg’s flight
d) The Scopes Trial

The 1920s is sometimes referred to as the “roaring twenties” because
a) it was a very noisy decade
b) cultural values were rapidly changing in the 1920s
c) The First World War was fought in that decade
d) the railroad was invented in 1920

During the 1920s the government mostly stuck to a policy
a) Imperialism and trust busting
b) Isolationism and hands off government
c) Urbanization foreign aggression
d) Progressivism and containment

The Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s influenced American society by
a) increasing awareness of African American contributions to American culture
b) establishing government programs to assist African Americans
c) encouraging urban renewal projects in major American cities
d) ending racial segregation of public facilities

The 18th amendment is most closely associated with
a) Voting age to 18
b) Scopes Trial
c) prohibition
d) presidential secession

In the early 1930s, many communities of homeless Americans were referred to as “Hoovervilles” because President Herbert Hoover
a) opposed direct federal aid for the unemployed
b) grew up in a poverty-stricken area
c) guaranteed jobs to the unemployed
d) provided food and clothing for the poor

One reason the stock market collapsed in October 1929 was that
a) many stocks had been purchased on credit
b) many companies stopped selling shares of stock
c) the prices of most stocks were too low
d) banks refused to loan money to purchase stocks throughout the 1920s

The most immediate goal of the New Deal programs proposed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt was to
a) control wages and prices
b) provide work for the unemployed
c) conserve natural resources
d) have the states assume responsibility for relief programs

One major criticism of the New Deal was
a) it greatly increased the power of the federal government
b) it needlessly involved the United States in Foreign Wars
c) it unfairly favored African Americans
d) it stripped many Americans of basic civil rights

A major cause of the stock market crash of 1929 was
a) outlawing installment buying
b) buying stocks on margin
c) restricting bank loans
d) using stock certificates as currency

Which New Deal program still exists today?
a) Federal Emergency Relief Administration
b) Works Progress Administration
c) Civilian Conservation Corps
d) Social Security Administration

Which statement most accurately describes how World War II affected the home front in the United States?
a) Gasoline was rationed, people planted victory gardens, and more women worked in factories
b) Factory production went down, women lost rights, and Americans lost jobs.
c) American homes were bombed, factories were closed, and food production declined
d) Unemployment went up, businesses overproduced, and farms failed

Yesterday, December 7, 1941 - a date which will live in infamy...President Roosevelt used these words to describe the
a) Invasion of Poland by Germany
b) Conquest of Ethiopia by Italy
c) Attack on Pearl Harbor by Japan
d) Election of Hitler as Chancellor of Germany

What was one way United States participation in World War II affected the American economy?
a) Shortages caused by the war contributed to the start of the Great Depression
b) Many factories were forced out of business
c) Imports of products from Europe significantly increased.
d) Military supplies were produced instead of some consumer goods.

European Jews and other groups were killed in large numbers by Nazi Germany during World War II. Which term refers to this situation?
a) Containment
b) Blitzkrieg
c) appeasement
d) Holocaust

During both World War I and World War II, women supported the war effort by
a) working in factories
b) gaining the right to vote
c) returning to college
d) joining the infantry

President Harry Truman decided to use the atomic bomb in World War II mainly to
a) to kill as many Japanese as possible
b) gain valuable information on the effects of radiation on the environment
c) demonstrate the military power of the United States
d) bring an immediate end to the war

The main reason Japanese Americans were placed in relocation centers during World War II was that they
a) were feared and discriminated against by many Americans
b) attacked American military posts in California
c) were aiding the Japanese army by spying on the United States
d) refused to fight for the United States

Which of the following is an example of appeasement?
a) permitting Hitler to seize Czechoslovakia
b) instituting a peace time draft
c) beginning the Lend-Lease program
d) coming to the aid of Poland when it was attacked

A valid conclusion based on the internment of Japanese Americans in relocation centers during World War II, is that in wartime
a) constitutional freedoms may be limited by the government
b) loyalty to the United States is necessary
c) immigrants become a threat to national security
d) fear does not interfere with normal life

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