Chapter 6 Study Guide Question Preview (ID: 25308)

Forms Of Energy. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Cooking in an oven creates ______________ energy.
a) heat
b) mechanical
c) cooking
d) light

Before an object moves and/or after it is finished moving it has ____________energy.
a) electrical
b) potential
c) kinetic
d) mechanical

___________________energy is used by your body's muscles so you are able to pull an object so that it moves on a flat surface.
a) mechanical
b) heat
c) chemical
d) thermal

________________energy is created when one object strikes another object.
a) Sound
b) Heat
c) Light
d) Mechanical

Plugging an object into an outlet creates ____________energy.
a) mechanical
b) light
c) sound
d) electrical

Solar energy is _______________ and does not pollute the air.
a) renewable
b) nonrenewable
c) fossil fuel
d) limited

The more quickly an instrument vibrates the ______________ the sound of pitch it makes.
a) smaller
b) larger
c) higher
d) lower

The _____________ stretched out a rubber band, the higher the pitch of sound you will hear when you pull it to the side and let it go.
a) less
b) over
c) faster
d) more

When you hold down a rubber band, the highest pitch will be made when the ___________________ and tightest section is plucked.
a) smallest
b) largest
c) shortest
d) longest

To create a __________________ sound when plucking a rubber band, stretch the band less before letting it go.
a) harder
b) softer
c) faster
d) slower

Keeping good records of your sound _____________________ is easy if you listen and then carefully write down what you hear.
a) observation
b) record
c) log book
d) None of the above

Squeezing a spring into a much smaller length before letting it go will _____________ the potential energy of the ball in the pinball machine.
a) increase
b) decrease
c) nutralize
d) squish

____________________ a cannon ball is launched in the air it has potential energy.
a) After
b) At the same time,
c) Before
d) None of the above

Squeezing a spring less causes a ball to travel a ___________distance when it is launched.
a) longer
b) the same
c) farther
d) shorter

The shorter length a spring is squeezed into, the _____________ the distance a ball will travel when launched.
a) farther
b) shorter
c) the same
d) None of the above

__________________energy, also known as solar energy, starts the process of photosynthesis in plants.
a) Mechanical
b) Light
c) Heat
d) Sound

When comparing two types of energy _______________ the data information.
a) subtract
b) add
c) multiply
d) divide

Flowing water starts as ___________________ energy and can be converted or changed into other forms of energy.
a) potential
b) kinetic
c) possible
d) electrical

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