2014-2015 Cumulative Vocabulary Test #2 Question Preview (ID: 25272)

Practice For Test On All 39 Words Given This Year. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is the meaning of the word eavesdrop?
a) to listen to another's conversation without letting them know.
b) capable of being shaped and dropped; altered; or infuenced.
c) to drop into view; to become known or clear.
d) to take all the attention of; interest fully

What does the word knoll mean?
a) a small rounded rise of land; hill
b) a practice or procedure that is established by usage
c) the natural ability, talent
d) a barrier that stops the progress of something

What does the word repugnant mean?
a) extremely distasteful to one's senses or principles; disgusting
b) remarkably evil; flagrantly bad
c) fearful about what might happen
d) too small to be measured or calculated

What does the word aplomb mean?
a) great self confidence; composure or poise
b) capable of being shaped; altered; or influenced
c) a shortage of something
d) the state of being serene; calm; untroubled

What does the word egregious mean?
a) Remarkably bad; flagrant; glaring
b) intentionally destructive
c) related to or connected with the present matter; pertinent
d) quite irritating or annoying

What does the word restitution mean?
a) the payment of money in order to compensate for damage, loss or injury
b) intentional destruction of something
c) a set of moral principles or values
d) concern and planning over future needs

What does the word apprehension mean?
a) fear about what may happen
b) a practice or procedure that is established by usage
c) extremely distasteful to one's senses or principles
d) the feeling or showing of anger about something considered to be unfair

What does the word ember mean?
a) a small piece of glowing wood or coal in a dying fire.
b) to embrace or hold something
c) intentional destruction of something
d) something bright with light.

What does the word infinitesimal mean?
a) too small to be measured or calculated
b) too much destruction to count
c) intentional destruction of something
d) to change for a particular use; to become used

What does the word sabotage mean?
a) intentional destruction of something
b) to change for a particular use; to become used.
c) a great self confidence; composure or poise
d) a shortage of something

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