Strickland Earth Systems Review Question Preview (ID: 24241)

Earth Systems Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following types of rock would you most likely form fossils:
a) sedimentary limestone
b) igneous granite
c) metamorphic gneiss
d) the mineral quartz

copper and most metallic ores are found at what type of boundaries?
a) divergent boundary
b) convergent boundary
c) transform boundary
d) can be any of the above

The terrestrial planets are mostly composed of rocks and metals because they:
a) formed far from the sun
b) formed the same distance from the sun as the gaseous planet
c) formed close to the sun
d) none of these

Describe the weather on the windward side of a moutain:
a) warmer and drier
b) extremely cold and icy
c) rainy and cooler
d) extremely hot and dry

Which of the following areas would produce the most rich topsoil?
a) termperate deciduous forest
b) arctic tundra
c) desert
d) rainforest

What happens to pebbles as they get farther from the source of weathering, like a river or glacier?
a) they become larger and more angular
b) they become smaller and rounder
c) they become larger and rounder
d) they become smaller and more angular

How does the warm Gulf Stream Current in the Atlantic Ocean flow?
a) south
b) north
c) east
d) west

Moss growing on a rock wall secretes acid that breaks up the rock and causes it to crumble.. This is an example of:
a) chemical weathering
b) mechanical weathering
c) abrasion
d) ice wedging

A layer of igneous rock that cuts across parallel layers of sedimentary rock is known as a/an:
a) adaptation
b) lateral continuity
c) intrusion
d) evolution

A cold front passing through an area that was warm and wet would bring what kind of weather?
a) first warm and wet and then cool and dry
b) make it even warmer and wetter
c) would not change the weather
d) would make it snow

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