Advanced Manufacturing I Mechanisms 2 Question Preview (ID: 24205)
Mechanisms Set2.
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Acceleration is
a) the rate at which an object’s speed and direction change with time
b) the time it takes an object to move from one place to another along with the direction of this motion
c) the resistance of a body to any change in motion or rest
d) the amount of matter in an object
A fulcrum is
a) the fixed point around which a lever’s beam is moved
b) the strength of motion at any particular time
c) a device that uses several mechanisms together
d) the amount of matter in an object
Force is defined as
a) any influence that causes an object to undergo a change dealing with its movement or direction
b) the time it takes an object to move from one place to another along with the direction of this motion
c) the rate at which an object’s speed and direction change with time
d) the measure of how a tool or machine changes the force put into it
Inertia is defined as
a) the resistance of a body to any change in motion or rest
b) the resistance of two stationary objects when you try to move one of them
c) the strength of motion at any particular time
d) the time it takes an object to move from one place to another along with the direction of this motion
Static friction is defined as
a) the resistance of two stationary objects when you try to move one of them
b) the resistance of a body to any change in motion or rest
c) occurs anytime two bodies come in contact with each other
d) the amount of matter in an object
Momentum is defined as
a) the strength of motion at any particular time
b) the rate at which an object’s speed and direction change with time
c) the resistance of a body to any change in motion or rest
d) occurs anytime two bodies come in contact with each other
Work occurs when
a) a force moves or displaces an object
b) anytime two bodies come in contact with each other
c) when someone is sleeping
d) the strength of motion is measured
Velocity is defined as
a) the time it takes an object to move from one place to another along with the direction of this motion
b) a calculation used to explain how the speed of the input gear effects the speed of the output gear
c) the rate at which an object’s speed and direction change with time
d) the most elementary devices that provide mechanical advantage; the building blocks upon which other, more complicated devices
A machine is defined as
a) a device that uses several mechanisms together
b) a mechanical part with teeth cut into the edge; the teeth fit with teeth on another part to transmit motion and force
c) any tool that relies solely on the person using it to provide power
d) the most elementary devices that provide mechanical advantage; the building blocks upon which other, more complicated devices
Mass is
a) the amount of matter in an object
b) the strength of motion at any particular time
c) a calculation used to explain how the speed of the input gear effects the speed of the output gear
d) any tool that relies solely on the person using it to provide power
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