Computer Term Review Question Preview (ID: 24186)
Computer Review!
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What is the full name of a CD?
a) Command Disk
b) Compact Disk
c) Computer Drive
d) Cancellation Disk
Is a monitor an input or output device?
a) Input
b) Output
c) Both
d) Neither
What device detects movement using the reflection of a beam of light.
a) Keyboard
b) Optical Mouse
c) Balltrack mouse
d) None of the above
Where would you plug a USB into a computer?
a) Floppy Disk
b) A Port
c) Hard Drive
d) USB is not compatible with a computer
Input device that can sense touch on a monitor
a) Wide-Screen Monitor
b) Floppy Disk
c) Touch Screen Monitor
d) Hard Drive
What type of storage media can be damaged by magnets?
a) Hard Drive
b) Keyboard
c) Flash Drive
d) Backup Tape
Where can you install an OS or application program?
a) RAM
b) ROM
c) Hard Drive
d) DiskFloppy
Where are computer applications temporarily stored for easy access by the microprocessor?
a) REM
b) RAM
c) PET
d) REK
Displaying sums on a screen is an example of what?
a) Input
b) Output
c) None of these
d) Process
Typing numbers into a spreadsheet is an example of what?
a) Input
b) Output
c) None of these
d) Process
Using formulas to find the sum of numbers is an example of what?
a) Input
b) Output
c) Process
d) None of these
Increasing computer performance will be achieved by increasing the memory of which of the following?
a) ROM
b) REK
c) RAM
d) USB
A storage medium made up of a disk of thin and flexible magnetic storage
a) DVD
b) Floppy Disk
c) CPU
d) Flappy Bird
Is RAM volatile?
a) Yes
b) No
c) No comment
Is a hard drive volatile?
a) No
b) Yes
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