6th Grade GREEN And BLUE Sections: Constellations And Lives Of Stars Review Part 2 Question Preview (ID: 23854)

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Nebulas are
a) clouds of gas and dust where stars are formed
b) huge explosions that destroy a supergiant star
c) areas where gamma ray bursts occur
d) areas of strong gravitational forces, so strong that not even light can escape

When a star is formed, the stage that can be compared to a fetus is the____________ stage.
a) main sequence
b) nebula
c) planetary nebula
d) protostar

Stars spend 90% of its life as a
a) protostar
b) main sequence star
c) giant/supergiant star
d) white dwarf star

During a stars main sequence stage
a) the star becomes unstable and ends its life in a gigantic explosion
b) nuclear fusion ends and the star gradually becomes a white dwarf
c) nuclear fusion occurs in the core, turning hydrogen into helium
d) nuclear fusion in the star slows as the amount of iron in the core increases

The gigantic explosion that occurs at the end of the life a high mass or very high mass star is known as a(n)
a) gamma ray burst
b) supernova
c) planetary nebula
d) nova

A planetary nebula occurs
a) when two stars collide, producing clouds of gas and dust
b) when a supergiant star explodes
c) when a giant star collapses and the gases are poofed off into space
d) when stars are formed

What is the eventual fate of our sun?
a) Supernova-Black Hole
b) Supernova-white dwarf star
c) Planetary Nebula-neutron star
d) Planetary Nebula-white dwarf star

Which of the following is the life cycle of a VERY HIGH MASS STAR?
a) Nebula-Protostar-Main Sequence Star-Supergiant-Supernova-Neutron star and Nebula
b) Nebula-Protostar-Main Sequence Star-Supergiant-Supernova-Black Hole
c) Protostar-Nebula, Supergiant Star-Main Sequence-Supernova-Black Hole
d) Nebula-Protostar-Giant Star-Main Sequence-Planetary Nebula-White Dwarf-Black Dwarf

Which of the following is the life cycle of a LOW/MEDIUM MASS STAR?
a) Nebula-Protostar-Main Sequence Star-Supergiant-Supernova-Neutron star and Nebula
b) Nebula-Protostar-Main Sequence Star-Supergiant-Supernova-Black Hole
c) Nebula-Protostar-Main Sequence Star-Giant-Planetary Nebula-White Dwarf Star-Black Dwarf
d) Nebula-Protostar-Giant Star-Main Sequence-Planetary Nebula-White Dwarf-Black Dwarf

What is the life cycle of a HIGH MASS STAR?
a) Nebula-Protostar-Giant Star-Main Sequence-Planetary Nebula-White Dwarf-Black Dwarf
b) Nebula-Protostar-Main Sequence Star-Supergiant-Supernova-Neutron star and Nebula
c) Nebula-Protostar-Main Sequence Star-Giant-Planetary Nebula-White Dwarf Star-Black Dwarf
d) Nebula-Protostar-Main Sequence Star-Supergiant-Supernova-Black Hole

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