Scientific Method 1 Question Preview (ID: 23186)
Hypothesis, Variables, Analyzing.
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What is the format for writing a hypothesis?
a) I think...
b) If, then, because
c) I predict...
d) Then yes... or then no....
What should the hypothesis NOT contain?
a) Support from research
b) Answer to the question
c) Explain the results (why)
d) Pronouns
What should the first section of a hypothesis state?
a) What you are testing and how you are testing
b) What you think will happen (answers the question)
c) Reason for the results
d) Only a prediction
What does the middle section of the hypothesis needs to state?
a) The supportive research
b) How you are testing
c) The answer to the question
d) What you are testing
When do you use a pie graph to analyze the data?
a) When the data is comparing different groups
b) When the data is tracking large changes over time
c) When the data is tracking a small continuous data over time
d) When the data given are comparing parts to a whole
When do you use a line graph to analyze your data?
a) When the data is comparing parts to a whole
b) When the data is comparing groups
c) When the data is a continuous or small changes over time
d) When the data is comparing large changes over time
What variable states what is being tested?
a) The independent variable
b) The dependent variable
c) The controlled variable
d) The factor variable
What does the last section of the hypothesis states?
a) The supporting reasearch
b) How the variable will be tested
c) What is the testing varible
d) Your answer to the question
Which variable is the measuring variable?
a) The independent variable
b) The dependent variable
c) The controlled variable
d) The testing variable
Which variable will keep the experiment fair ?
a) The dependent variable
b) The testing variable
c) The independent variable
d) The controlled variable
When do you use a bar graph to analyze data?
a) When you are comparing parts to a whole
b) When you are comparing different groups
c) When you are comparing continuous data over time
d) When you are tracking small changes of data
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