Environmental Science Chapter 3 Vocab Review Part 1 Question Preview (ID: 22349)

ES Chapter 3 Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

An animals role in an ecosystem is called its __________________
a) Habitat
b) Niche
c) Career

The organism that hunts and feeds on another organism
a) predator
b) prey
c) predation

Many animals use __________________ for protection from predators.
a) Hearing
b) Sight
c) Camouflage

If the number of prey in an ecosystem decrease, generally the number of predators will _________________.
a) increase
b) decrease
c) stay the same

When a species looks, sounds, or acts like a more dangerous species they are using ______________.
a) warning coloration
b) camouflage
c) mimicry

According to the video we watched on predators which insect kills the most humans?
a) mosquito
b) bee
c) praying mantis

When rabbits interact with foxes, the fox would be the ____________.
a) prey
b) predator
c) both

How much energy is lost in each level of an energy pyramid?
a) 6%
b) 90%
c) 12%
d) 75%

Which animals in an energy pyramid have the most energy?
a) top predator
b) producers
c) primary consumer
d) secondary consumer

The first consumer in a food chain or food web is called the ____________ consumer
a) primary
b) secondary
c) tertiary

_________________ are needed for photosynthesis to occur.
a) sunlight and oxygen
b) saltwater and oxygen
c) Sunlight and carbon dioxide
d) Salt water and Carbon dioxide

What is the pigment called in plants that help absorb sunlight?
a) Chlorofloro
b) Chlorophyll
c) Greenophyl
d) Photophyll

Which of the animals below are omnivores?
a) Bears
b) Sharks
c) Rabbits

Which organism below is not a consumer?
a) Algae
b) Great White Shark
c) Deer
d) Fish

Which organism below is a decomposer?
a) Rabbit
b) Mushroom
c) Seaweed
d) Beaver

In photosynthesis hydrogen combines with carbon dioxide to create ____________.
a) sunlight
b) sugar (glucose)
c) vitamin C

Nutrients in an ecosystem like carbon and oxygen are ____________.
a) destroyed
b) created
c) recycled

Cells release energy from food using the process of ___________________.
a) oxyrespiration
b) photorespiration
c) cellular respiration

What is the greatest source of energy for all ecosystems?
a) oxygen
b) sunlight
c) carbon monoxide

A group of organisms in an ecosystem of one type of species.
a) community
b) population

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