Intro To Classification Question Preview (ID: 220)

Intro To Classification Unit. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Who was the first man to create a system of Classification?
a) Aristotle
b) Galileo
c) Plato
d) Linnaeus

The study of classification is known as which of the following?
a) taxonomy
b) naturalism
c) biology
d) classification

Which of the following is the largest level of taxonomy?
a) Species
b) Phylum
c) Class
d) Kingdom

What is known as grouping similar objects based on their similarities?
a) Classification
b) Binominal Nomenclature
c) Taxonomy
d) Organization

What is binominal nomenclature?
a) A two word naming system
b) A system Aristotle invented
c) A tool used to identify organisms
d) A way to classify living things

Which of the following scienctific names is in the correct format?
a) betula alba (Underlined)
b) Panthera Leo (Italicized)
c) Quercus rubra (Underlined)
d) canis Lupus (Italicized)

In what language is binominal nomenclature written?
a) Latin
b) German
c) English
d) Spanish

Which of the following is the correct order for the 7 levels of classification?
a) Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species
b) Genus, species, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family
c) Species, class, order, kingdom, family, genus, phylum
d) Kingdom, phylum, order, class, family, genus, species

What is the smallest most precise category of classification?
a) Species
b) Kingdom
c) Genus
d) Order

How many species have currently been named in the world?
a) 1 -2 Million
b) No one knows
c) 500,000
d) 1- 2 Billion

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