Waves Question Preview (ID: 21984)

Different Types Of Waves That Transmit Energy. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which type of wave can go up and down or side to side?
a) Transverse waves
b) Compressional Waves
c) Hydrolic Waves
d) Ocean Waves

Sounds Waves are a type of
a) Transverse Waves
b) Compressional Waves
c) Bass Waves
d) Light Waves

The object in which the wave travels through is called the _______.
a) Object of interaction
b) Path transferance
c) mechanism
d) Medium

Transverse and compressional waves are both types of ___________.
a) Chemical Waves
b) Sound Waves
c) Mechanical Waves
d) Ocean Waves

Which of the following is the medium for sound travelling from a vocal cord to an ear drum?
a) The voice
b) The ear drum
c) The wave
d) The air

What can sound travel through?
a) A solid
b) A liquid
c) A gas
d) All of these

The type of waves that travel through space where there is no matter are called ___________________.
a) Transverse Waves
b) Compressional Waves
c) Electromagnetic Waves
d) Sound waves

A rhythmic disturbance that carries energy but not matter is known as a(n) _______.
a) electron
b) wave
c) volcano
d) matter

The top of the wave is called the _________.
a) peak
b) crest
c) crest or peak
d) none of these

The bottom of the wave is called the ___________.
a) trough
b) plateau
c) base
d) billow

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