Changing Earth's Surface Question Preview (ID: 21964)
Erosion, Mass Movement, Water Erosion.
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Material moved by erosion
a) sediment
b) gravity
c) wind
d) slope
When the agents of erosion lay down sediment
a) erosion
b) slope
c) deposition
d) gravity
The force that pulls rock and soil down slopes
a) wind
b) gravity
c) water
d) humans
Which of the following is not mass movement
a) slump
b) creep
c) landslide
d) waterslide
The very slow downhill movement of rock and soil
a) creep
b) slump
c) landslide
d) mudflow
Rapid downhill movement of a mixture of water, rock, and soil.
a) creep
b) slump
c) mudflow
d) landslide
All the water that moves over Earth's surface
a) runoff
b) rain
c) gravity
d) meander
tiny grooves in the soil
a) gullies
b) stream
c) rivers
d) rills
A stream that flows into a larger stream.
a) drainage basin
b) tributary
c) flood plain
d) divide
the high ground between two drainage basins
a) divide
b) flood plain
c) groundwater
d) alluvial fan
a looplike bend in the course of a river
a) delta
b) alluvial fan
c) meander
d) waterfall
build up of sediment where a river flows into a larger body of water such as an ocean or lake
a) delta
b) allluvial fan
c) meander
d) stalactite
a deposit that hangs like an icicle from a roof of a cave
a) stalagmite
b) stalactite
c) delta
d) alluvial fan
A meander that has been cut off from the river
a) delta
b) alluvial fan
c) oxbow lake
d) flood plain
flat, wide area of land along a river
a) meander
b) flood plain
c) delta
d) alluvial fan
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