8th Grade Question Preview (ID: 21607)
Atmosphere Review.
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The most abundant gas in the atmosphere is
a) oxygen
b) nitrogen
c) carbon dioxide
d) argon
This layer of the atmosphere contains the ozone layer
a) Mesosphere
b) Thermosphere
c) Stratosphere
d) Troposphere
To measure air pressure you should use a
a) Balloon
b) Beaker
c) Ruler
d) Barometer
As altitude rises (the nigher above the Earth you get) the air pressure
a) rises
b) decreases
c) stays the same
d) does nothing
This layer of the atmosphere contains weather
a) Troposphere
b) Exosphere
c) Mesosphere
d) Thermosphere
When the barometer falls that indicates
a) its going to be sunny
b) its going to rain
c) the witches are coming
d) it might snow
This is the middle layer of the atmosphere
a) Exosphere
b) Troposphere
c) Mesosphere
d) Mount Everest
Heat in the atmosphere comes from
a) the sun
b) the moon
c) the Earth
d) the gods bowling
the transfer of heat by moving particles of gas or liquid
a) conduction
b) convection
c) radiation
d) ovens
the transfer of heat by direct touch
a) radiation
b) convenction
c) conduction
d) albedo
Heat moves in a circular pattern because
a) Warm/hot air rises and colder air sinks
b) cold air rises
c) the Earth is spinning
As the altitude increases the temperature
a) decreases
b) increases
c) stays the same
Rain, sleet, and hail are forms of
a) evaporation
b) condensation
c) precipitation
d) convection
This instrument is used to measure air temperature
a) Wind speed
b) Thermometer
c) Anometer
d) Barometer
Heated water molecules move back into the air through the process of
a) Condensation
b) Evaporation
c) Runoff
d) Groundwater
Precipitation that pools in rivers, oceans, and other bodies of water is called
a) Runoff
b) Sewers
c) Clouds
d) Groundwater
Clouds are formed when water and dust molcules stick together this is called
a) evaporation
b) condensation
c) transpiration
d) goo
Water that is evaporated from plants and trees is called
a) condensation
b) transpiration
c) dew
d) humidity
The ozone layer
a) is in the mesosphere
b) absorbs and reflects heat/ UV rays
c) channels radio waves
d) is stronger because of the chemicals in the air
The air we breath is made of mostly
a) Oxygen
b) Carbon Dioxide
c) Nitrogen and Oxygen
d) Water Vapor
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