Uneven Heating Of The Earch Question Preview (ID: 21558)
Science Test 1.
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A thin blanket of gases that surrounds the earth
a) Atmosphere
b) Oxygen
c) Nitrogen
d) Helium
Layer of air that is the most dense
a) Thermosphere
b) Troposhere
c) Atmosphere
d) Mesophere
Contains the ozone layer
a) Mesophere
b) Thermosphere
c) Stratosphere
d) Troposhpere
Meteroids burn up in this layer
a) Troposphere
b) Stratosphere
c) Mesophere
d) Thermosphere
Contains ionosphere and produces the Northern Lights
a) Thermosphere
b) Stratosphere
c) Troposphere
d) Mesophere
Temperature decreases with altitude
a) Stratosphere
b) Mesophere
c) Thermospohere
d) Trophsphere
The border of space where satellites orbit
a) Exosphere
b) Mesophere
c) Troposphere
d) Stratosphere
The way land and water give off their heat
a) conduction
b) convection
c) density
d) mesophere
The transfer of the sun's energy to earth
a) Radiation
b) conduction
c) convection
d) light
Time when land and water absorb the sun's energy
a) Day
b) Day and Night
c) Night
d) Never
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