Vocabulary List 7 Question Preview (ID: 21453)

3 Grade Vocabulary List. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

adjective that is used to compare two people or things
a) comparative adjective
b) superlative adverbs
c) comparative adverbs
d) superlative adjective

letters put at the end of a base word tha alter the original meaning of the word
a) vote
b) suffix
c) comparative adjective
d) affix

one or more sounds or letters occurring as a bound form attached to the beginning or end of a word
a) suffix
b) laws
c) affix
d) citizens

an adjective that is used for comparing one person or thing with every other member of their group.
a) comparative adjective
b) comparative adverbs
c) superlative adverbs
d) superlative adjective

citizens vote directly for leaders and on issues
a) direct democracy
b) citizens
c) laws
d) comparative adjectives

a member of a community, resident
a) laws
b) citizen
c) affix
d) dirrect democracy

rules make by governments
a) laws
b) vote
c) suffix
d) citizens

used to compare the action or state of being of three or more people, places, or things
a) comparative adjectives
b) superlative adverbs
c) comparative adverbs
d) superlative adjectives

an oppinion or choice, especially on a ballot
a) law
b) citizen
c) vote
d) comparative adjective

adverbs that are used to describe verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs and are usually formed by adding -ly to the end of an adjective
a) vote
b) boat
c) comparative adverbs
d) laws

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