Gas Laws Question Preview (ID: 21446)
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If pressure and matter are constant, and temperature increases, what happens to volume?
a) Volume increases
b) Volume decreases
c) Who knows...
If pressure and volume are constant, and matter increases, what happens to temperature?
a) Temperature stays the same.
b) Temperature decreases
c) Temperature increases
d) Swag
If matter and volume are constant, and pressure increases, what happens to temperature?
a) Temperature decreases
b) Temperature gets smaller
c) Temperature can do whatever it wants!
d) Temperature increases
Volume is _________________________________________.
a) a measure of the grade you have in chemistry class
b) a measure of the space occupied by a sample of matter
c) a measure of the time it takes to complete a task
d) a measure of the weight of a human
Pressure is ___________________________________________.
a) the exertion of force upon a surface by an object, fluid, etc., in contact with it
b) the temperature used to burn wood
c) a scale of surface tension
d) #Yolo
If temperature and volume are constant, and matter increases, what happens to pressure?
a) Pressure goes down.
b) Pressure stays constant.
c) Pressure goes up and down at the same time.
d) Pressure increases.
If matter and temperature are constant, and volume increases, what happens to pressure?
a) Pressure increases.
b) Pressure decreases.
c) Pressure does what it wants.
d) Pressure stays constant.
What is Temperature?
a) Temperature is the mass of the sun.
b) Temperature is the measure of how awesome Mr. Schuessler is.
c) Temperature is some term we learned in science class.
d) Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of particles in matter.
What is Matter?
a) Matter is anything that has mass and volume.
b) Matter is information obtained through sight.
c) Matter can be whatever you want it to be.
d) Matter describes liquids that dissolve in water.
If matter and temperature are constant, and pressure increases, what happens to volume?
a) Volume goes up.
b) Volume increases.
c) Volume decreases.
d) Volume does what it wants.
If something stays *constant* it means ____________.
a) it increases
b) it decreases
c) it wants to go up, but actually goes down
d) it doesn't change
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