Book 3 (A) Question Preview (ID: 21141)

Close Syllables To Make Multisyllabic Words. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Divide the closed syllable correctly.
a) up/set
b) u/pset
c) ups/et
d) upse/t

Divide the closed syllable correctly.
a) nu/tshell
b) nutsh/ell
c) nut/shell
d) n/utshell

Divide the closed syllable correctly.
a) to/mcat
b) tom/cat
c) tomc/at
d) t/omcat

Divide the closed syllable correctly.
a) su/nfish
b) s/unfish
c) sunfi/sh
d) sun/fish

Divide the closed syllable correctly.
a) puff/ball
b) pu/ffball
c) puffba/ll
d) p/uffball

Divide the closed syllable correctly.
a) ba/thmat
b) bath/mat
c) bat/hmat
d) bathm/at

Divide the closed syllable correctly.
a) u/phill
b) uph/ill
c) up/hill
d) uphi/ll

Divide the closed syllable correctly.
a) ha/tbox
b) hatbo/x
c) h/atbox
d) hat/box

Divide the closed syllable correctly.
a) cat/fish
b) ca/tfish
c) catfi/sh
d) catf/ish

Divide the closed syllable correctly.
a) Ba/tman
b) Bat/man
c) Batm/an
d) Batma/n

Divide the closed syllable correctly.
a) di/shpan
b) dis/hpan
c) dish/pan
d) dishp/an

Divide the closed syllable correctly.
a) sh/ellfish
b) shel/lfish
c) shellfi/sh
d) shell/fish

Divide the closed syllable correctly.
a) ten/pin
b) te/npin
c) tenp/in
d) t/enpin

Divide the closed syllable correctly.
a) su/ntan
b) sun/tan
c) sunt/an
d) s/untan

Divide the closed syllable correctly.
a) ti/ptop
b) tipto/p
c) tip/top
d) t/iptop

Divide the closed syllable correctly.
a) la/pdog
b) lapd/og
c) l/apdog
d) lap/dog

Divide the closed syllable correctly.
a) sun/lit
b) su/nlit
c) s/unlit
d) sunl/it

Divide the closed syllable correctly.
a) co/web
b) cob/web
c) cobw/eb
d) c/obweb

Divide the closed syllable correctly.
a) pi/gpen
b) p/igpen
c) pig/pen
d) pigp/en

Divide the closed syllable correctly.
a) s/unset
b) suns/et
c) su/nset
d) sun/set

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