Elements I Question Preview (ID: 2100)

10 Elements On Quiz #1. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is the symbol for aluminum?
a) AL
b) Am
c) Al
d) Au

What is the symbol for boron?
a) B
b) b
c) Br
d) Bo

What is the common name of the element Be?
a) Barium
b) Bromine
c) Bleach
d) Beryllium

What is the symbol for californium?
a) Ca
b) Cf
c) CM
d) Ci

What is the common name of the element Cl?
a) Boron
b) Calcium
c) Californium
d) Chlorine

What is the common name of the element Br?
a) Bromine
b) Chlorine
c) Boron
d) Rubidium

What is the name of the element Cr?
a) Carbon
b) Chromium
c) Calcium
d) Copper

What is the symbol for calcium?
a) Ca
b) Cm
c) CL
d) Cal

What is the name of the element Co?
a) Cobalt
b) Carbon
c) Copper
d) Coloradoium

What is the common name of the element C?
a) Copper
b) Actinium
c) Carbon
d) Cadmium

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