Intro To FFA Review Question Preview (ID: 20973)
Review For Intro Students.
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The FFA was organized in what year?
a) 1700
b) 1917
c) 1928
d) 1971
What year were women allowed to join the FFA?
a) 1969
b) 1988
c) 1965
d) 1928
What year did the NFA merge allowing African Americans to join FFA?
a) 1969
b) 1988
c) 1965
d) 1971
In the opening ceremony, the advisor is stationed by the
a) plow
b) owl
c) rising sun
d) emblem of Washington
The base of the emblem is
a) a cross section of an ear of corn
b) a plowed field
c) a rising sun
d) the words Agriculture education and FFA
The state FFA President of Illinois for 2014-15 is
a) Willow Krumwiede
b) Tommy Justison
c) Tayler Menguin
d) Cody Morris
The first FFA Convention was held in
a) Indianapolis, IN
b) Kansas City, MO
c) Louisville, KY
d) Alexandria, VA
In what year did the name change from Future Farmers of America to the National FFA Organization?
a) 1971
b) 1988
c) 1989
d) 1928
The name of the FFA magazine is
a) Horizons
b) New Horizons
c) FFA New Horizons
d) FFA Horizons
The first degree earned by high school FFA members is the
a) Greenhand Degree
b) Discovery Degree
c) Chapter Degree
d) State Degree
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