Sleep Deprivation Game Question Preview (ID: 20934)

Unit One Info. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

To get enough sleep you need
a) 7 hours of sleep
b) 9 hours of sleep
c) 10 hours of sleep
d) 8 hours of sleep

Which of the following should you NOT do when trying to sleep?
a) Keep your bedroom dark at night and bright in the morning
b) Go to bed at the same time every night
c) Sleep in really late on weekends to catch up
d) Don't drink caffeine after lunch

A.D.H.D. stands for
a) attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
b) alert deficit hormone disorder
c) attention deprivation hormone deficit
d) association of determined hyperactive Dramamine

Melatonin is a
a) Eating food for energy
b) Energy hormone
c) Sleep hormone
d) Puberty hormone

What are physical consequences of sleep deprivation?
a) Depressed mood and more stress
b) Feeling shaky, weak and tired
c) Increased aggression
d) Difficulty paying attention

What are recruits?
a) Army officers
b) Navy officers
c) People who have to re-do
d) New soldiers in the military

What is a deficit?
a) Having less than what you need
b) A certain number
c) Having more than what you need
d) Acting out in class

Sleep is important for...
a) Staying hydrated
b) Brain repair
c) Being comfortable
d) Having cool dreams

Metabolism means
a) Plants use sunlight to grow
b) Burning energy for food
c) Being really skinny
d) Burning food for energy

Sleep Deprivation is bad because...
a) It can cause obesity
b) It can cause car crashes
c) It can cause violence and depression
d) All of the above

Tendency means
a) likelihood to do something
b) ability to do something
c) being correct
d) not having enough

Affect means
a) to be different
b) to avoid something
c) to produce a change or effect
d) to keep the same

Factor means
a) one thing
b) data from a survey
c) a change
d) something that causes a result

If you are accurate then you are...
a) somewhat correct
b) exact; correct
c) almost precise
d) not close at all

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