Physical And Chemical Properties Question Preview (ID: 20841)
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What type of characteristic can be observed without changing or reacting a substance?
a) chemical property
b) physical property
c) intensive property
d) extensive property
What type of characteristic can observed only while a substance is reacting with something else?
a) chemical property
b) physical property
c) intensive property
d) extensive property
What characteristic depends upon the amount of a substance?
a) chemical property
b) physical property
c) intensive property
d) extensive property
What characteristic does not depend upon the amount of a substance?
a) chemical property
b) physical property
c) intensive property
d) extensive property
What is an example of a chemical property?
a) color
b) buoyancy
c) viscosity
d) flammablilty
What is an example of a physical property?
a) reactivity
b) density
c) combustibility
d) corrosivity
Which property is intensive?
a) density
b) mass
c) volume
d) size
Which property is extensive?
a) buoyancy
b) melting point
c) conductivity
d) volume
What property describes a substance's ability to float?
a) density
b) viscosity
c) corrosivity
d) buoyancy
What property describes a substance's resistance to flow?
a) density
b) viscosity
c) corrosivity
d) buoyancy
What property is mass per unit volume of a substance
a) density
b) viscosity
c) corrosivity
d) buoyancy
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