Structure Of English Question Preview (ID: 20837)
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This is a form of non-verbal communication using touch as a medium.
a) Olfactics
b) Kinesics
c) Haptics
d) Proxemics
The person who conceptualized the Bubble Theory.
a) Edward Said
b) Edward Hall
c) Edward Sapir
d) Edgar Allan Poe
States that language structure controls thought and cultural factor norms.
a) Linguistic Relevance
b) Linguistic Relativism
c) Linguistic Determinism
d) Linguistic Culturalism
This is the second level of Sapir-Whorf theory.
a) Vocabulary
b) Grammar and Idioms
c) Proxemics
d) None of the above
Ad Verencudiam is a fallacy that appeals to:
a) Numbers
b) Force
c) Ignorance
d) Authority
Deictic expressions are also sometimes called:
a) Proximal terms
b) Deictic projection
c) Distal terms
d) Indexicals
These are factors that determine Proxemics except:
a) Family upbringing
b) Relationship with people
c) Cultural learning
d) Marital Staus
It means the study o0f our use of time
a) Proxemics
b) Olfactics
c) Chronemics
d) Kinesics
The fallacy of Ad Ignorantiam means:
a) Appeal to Authority
b) Appeal to Lack of Knowledge
c) Appeal to Pity
d) Appeal to Wealth
The fallacy tht appeals to vilence of force:
a) Ad Hominem
b) Ad Populum
c) Ad Misericordiam
d) None of the above
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