Rocks And Rock Cycle Question Preview (ID: 20770)
Identify Origins Of Rocks And How They Can Change As Part Of The Rock Cycle.
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Which rock is made by cementing and compacting of sediment?
a) sedimentary rock
b) igneous rock
c) metamorphic rock
d) magma rock
Which rock is made by applying heat and pressure to another rock?
a) sedimentary rock
b) igneous rock
c) metamorphic rock
d) magma rock
Which rock is made by the cooling of molten rock?
a) sedimentary rock
b) igneous rock
c) metamorphic rock
d) magma rock
Molten rock below Earth's surface is called
a) igneous rock
b) magma
c) metamorphic rock
d) lava
What is NOT true about the rock cycle?
a) All rocks can be broken down by weathering.
b) Metamorphic rocks can melt.
c) Only igneous rocks can become metamorphic rocks.
d) Igneous rocks can form above or below Earth's surface.
Which of the following is a sedimentary rock made of little bits of sand?
a) granite
b) gneiss
c) sandstone
d) obsidian
In which area would you probably find more sandstone?
a) beaches
b) mountains
c) hills
d) valleys
Which sedimentary rock is made from compacted and cemented plant remains?
a) limestone
b) sandstone
c) coal
d) no rock exhists
Obsidian is made from quickly cooling lava. This is an example of a
a) sedimentary rock
b) igneous rock
c) metamorphic rock
d) magma rock
Which of the following is NOT true about rocks?
a) They can break into smaller pieces.
b) They can melt
c) They cannot teach us anything about the past.
d) They can change into other types of rocks.
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