Chemical Compounds In Cells Question Preview (ID: 20697)

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Any substance that can not be broken down into a simpler substance.....
a) compound
b) protein
c) carbohydrate
d) element

This is created when 2 or more elements are combined
a) compound
b) atom
c) proton
d) electron

What type of molecules always contain carbon?
a) inorganic
b) salts
c) organic
d) none of the above

True or False: Inorganic molecules do not contain carbon.
a) True
b) False

Large molecules made of combinations of amino acids are called:
a) carbohydrates
b) lipids
c) proteins
d) nucleic acid

Proteins are made up of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sometimes:
a) sulfur
b) kryptonite
c) hydrogen peroxide
d) argon

How many amino acids can combine in different ways to make proteins?
a) 10
b) 15
c) 18
d) 20

A_________is a protein that speeds up a chemical reaction
a) lipid
b) enzyme
c) fat
d) carbohydrate

Carbohydrates contain:
a) carbon - hydrogen-oxygen
b) hydrogen-sulfur-oxygen
c) carbon- sulfur-oxygen
d) carbon-oxygen-phosphorous

True or False: Lipids are energy rich molecules
a) True
b) False

____________ ____________ are very lare organic molecules that are made up of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorous, hydrogen
a) reaction enzymes
b) hydroxi nucleic acids
c) Nucleic Acids
d) restriction enzymes

True or False? DNA plays a role in heredity.
a) Frue
b) Tralse
c) False
d) True

RNA plays a role in the production of ___________.
a) fats
b) carbohydrates
c) proteins
d) DNA

Approximately how much of our bodies are made of water?
a) 1/3
b) 2/3
c) 1/2
d) 99%

_____________ is a process that helps move water and solutes into and out of our cells.
a) photosynthesis
b) respiration
c) osmosis
d) active transport

which is found in the nucleus of an atom?
a) proton
b) compound
c) chemical
d) electron

A type of protein that speeds up a chemical reaction______
a) molecule
b) compound
c) enzyme
d) DNA

This molecule plays a role in the production of proteins and is found in the nucleolus
a) atom
b) DNA
c) fats
d) RNA

With out________most chemical reactions can not occur.
a) fats
b) water
c) salts
d) pepper

Cells need energy to sustain life
a) false
b) True
c) Frue
d) tralse

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