Lesson 3: Double Consonants Question Preview (ID: 20459)

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Strange or weird is ____________?
a) eccentric
b) appalling
c) apparently
d) exaggerate

To advise or suggest is to?
a) accommodate
b) exaggerate
c) vaccinate
d) recommend

Boycott means what?
a) causing horror; shocking; dreadful
b) to refuse to buy, sell, or use a product
c) to cause confusion and shame to
d) to do a kindness or favor to; to help out; to have or make room for

when someone is embarrassed they are __________________?
a) happy or glad
b) giggly or excited
c) confused or ashamed
d) anxious or mad

To represent a thing as greater than it is to _________________?
a) exagerate
b) vaccinate
c) boycott
d) recommend

A written or printed series of questions is called a _________________?
a) vaccination
b) accommodation
c) questionnaire
d) recommendation

Accommodate means what?
a) causing horror; shocking; dreadful
b) to inoculate with the modified virus of any various other diseases
c) to refuse to buy, sell, or use a product
d) to do a kindness or favor to; to help out; to have or make room for

When something causes you horror, or it is shocking or dreadful it is ______________.
a) embarrassing
b) appalling
c) accommodating
d) apparently

The definition for ________________ is capable of being easily perceived or understood; plain or clear; obvious
a) apparently
b) boycott
c) vaccinate
d) eccentric

When a doctor vaccinates you he is ___________________________.
a) helping you out.
b) inoculating you with the modified virus of any of various other diseases.
c) injecting a modified virus into your body.
d) doing all of the above.

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