SS7G3a-Live, Work, And Travel Question Preview (ID: 20399)

Where People In The Sahara, Sahel, Savannas, And Rainforest Live, How They Work And How They Travel. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Why is the government of Kenya concerned with desertification and deforestation?
a) The people of Kenya cannot adapt to a desert climate.
b) Desertification and deforestation lead to higher taxes.
c) The people of Kenya rely on the land for their livelihoods.
d) Desertification and deforestation in Kenya pollute the Nile River.

Which describes the effect of the Sahara on jobs in the region?
a) Hunting is the primary occupation.
b) The desert provides mostly irrigation jobs.
c) There are few agricultural opportunities.
d) Most inhabitants are farmers.

What physical feature is important to Egypt’s trade?
a) the Atlas Mountains
b) the Sahel.
c) the Nile River
d) Lake Victoria

In Africa, countries in the tropical rainforest face which conflict?
a) preventing the spread of AIDS vs. storing and maintaining their over abundant food supply
b) deforestation of the rainforest vs. desertification
c) Preserving their endangered environment vs. making money from logging companies that cut destroy the rainforest
d) Feeding their population vs. holding legitimate, democratic elections

Droughts are very dangerous for the people of the Sahel. One main reason is that
a) oil is the major industry.
b) diamond mining employs most people.
c) most people rely on farming.
d) thick rainforests cover the region.

Africa’s tropical grasslands, home to an amazing variety of wildlife, are known as
a) savannas.
b) the Sahel.
c) rainforests.
d) deserts.

The strip of semi-arid land south of the Sahara Desert is known as the
a) rainforests.
b) Sahara.
c) savannah.
d) Sahel.

How has Libya benefited from its location?
a) It shares a ling border with South Africa.
b) Its location on the coast makes trade easier.
c) It is far from any desert area.
d) It is home to the Nile River.

Upon what industry are the economies in Democratic Republic of Congo and Nigeria based?
a) Oil industry
b) Mining
c) Manufacturing
d) Herding

Which statement describes the result of fertile soil along the Niger River?
a) West Africa is the population center of Africa.
b) North Africa is the population center of Africa.
c) East Africa is the population center of Africa.
d) South Africa is the population center of Africa.

How are resources related to population density?
a) Many people find employment near areas where resources are located.
b) There is no correlation between resources and population density.
c) People who live away from resources usually find many places to work.
d) Rural areas away from water tend to have higher population densities.

Which describes the effect of the Sahara on jobs in the region?
a) There are few agricultural opportunities.
b) The desert provides mostly irrigation jobs.
c) Most inhabitants are farmers.
d) Hunting is the primary occupation.

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