PS-2.2 Isotopes Question Preview (ID: 2000)

Define Isotope, Unstable Isotope, Mass Number Vs Atomic Mass,determine Neutron Number If Given Mass Number. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The atomic number of an element
a) is equal to the number of protons
b) is usually a decimal number (such as 13,4)
c) changes when an atom of an element reacts with another element
d) can be different for different isotopes of the same element

The mass number of an element
a) is the sum of the elements protons and neutrons
b) is the same for all atoms of an element
c) is found at the bottom of an element's square on the periodic table
d) can be found by rounding off the atomic mass

Isotopes of the same element
a) have the same number of protons, but different numbers of neutrons.
b) have the same number of protons but different numbers of electrons.
c) have the same mass numbers
d) have different numbers of protons, but the same number of neutron

Atomic mass
a) is the weighted average of the masses of the naturally occuring isotopes of an element.
b) is always a whole number
c) cannot be found on the periodic table
d) is equal to the number of protons plus the number of electrons in an atom

An unstable isotope of an element
a) does not have a correct ratio of neutrons to protons in an atoms nucleus,
b) will never breakdown.
c) is a very rare occurance
d) can only be produced in a laboratory

a) is the term used to describe the particles/energy that are emmitted during nuclear decay.
b) is released only from stable isotopes of elements.
c) is rare in natural settings
d) is always dangerous and harmful to humans.

Nuclear decay occurs when
a) the nucleus of a radioactive isotope emits particles or energy
b) atoms age and become fragile.
c) viruses infect nuclei and cause them to decompose
d) stable atomic nuclei break down

If a lithium atom (atomic number 3) has a mass number of 7, how many neutrons does it have.
a) 4
b) 3
c) 7
d) 3.5

If an Al atom (atomic number 13) has a mass number of 27, how many neutrons does it have.
a) 14
b) 13
c) 50
d) 12

If a zinc atom (atomic number 30) has a mass number of 66, how many neutrons does it have.
a) 36
b) 96
c) 60
d) 34

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