Elizabethan Theater Game Question Preview (ID: 19701)
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Who is Claudius?
a) Gertudes son
b) Polonius son
c) Hamlets uncle
d) A watch guard
Who is Gertrude?
a) Polonius wife
b) Laertes wife
c) Ophelias mother
d) Hamlets mother
Who are Rosencrantz and Guildenstern?
a) Claudius personal body guards
b) Hamlets childhood friends
c) Ophelias brothers
d) Actors in a drama company
Who is Polonius?
a) Ophelias grandfather
b) Laertes father
c) Hamlets brother
d) Claudius brother
Whose ghost appeared to Hamlet?
a) The dead Norwegian King
b) Hamlets father
c) Polonius
d) Claudius
How did Hamlets father died?
a) He was bit by a snake
b) He was poisoned
c) He was stabbed by his wife
d) He died in a battle between Norway and Denmark
During what period did William Shakespeare live and work?
a) The Age of Enlightenment
b) The Elizabethan Era
c) The Romantic Era
d) The Italian Renaissance
Wich of the following was not an attribute of the Elizabethan stage?
a) Three-story, open-air construction
b) Extended stage with trapdoor
c) Shaped like an 'O'
d) All of the above
In terms of symbolic art, which of the following is a universal?
a) villain
b) justice
c) femme fatale
d) protagonist
Shakespeare wrote all of the following except:
a) plays
b) sonnets
c) book-length poems
d) novels
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To play games using the questions from above, visit ReviewGameZone.com and enter game ID number: 19701 in the upper right hand corner or click here.
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