Animal Behavior Part I Question Preview (ID: 19657)
Test On Animal Behavior.
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The types of learning includes all of the following EXCEPT FOR
a) operant conditioning
b) classical conditioning
c) Insight learning
d) rehabilitation
The definition of behavior is
a) the way an organism reacts to changes in its internal condition or external environment
b) the way an organism changes over time through the pressure of its environment
c) the way an organism develops within the internal environment
d) the way an organism changes within an ecosystem due to the pressures from its internal environment
A single, specific reaction to a stimulus is a (an)
a) adaptation
b) response
c) mutation
d) evolution
Behavior that appears in fully functional form the first time it is performed, even though the animal may have had no previous experience with the stimuli to which it responds is called
a) learned behavior
b) acquired behavior
c) innate behavior
d) developed behavior
The changes in behavior that result from experience is
a) learning
b) instinct
c) evolution
d) stimulus
Learning that occurs when an animal learns to behave in a certain way through repeated practice, in order to receive a reward or avoid punishment
a) habituation
b) insight learning
c) operant conditioning
d) classical conditioning
A process by which an animal decreases or stops its response to a repetitive stimulus that neither rewards nor harms the animal
a) habituation
b) insight learning
c) operant conditioning
d) classical conditioning
When an animal makes a mental connection between a stiumulus and some kind of reward or punishment
a) classical conditioning
b) operant conditioning
c) insight learning
d) habituation
When an animal applies something it has already learned to a new situation without a period of trial and error
a) habituation
b) insight learning
c) operant conditioning
d) classical conditioning
A behavior that is a result of innate and learned behavior combined in which a newborn bird has the innate urge to follow the first moving object they see.
a) imprinting
b) insight learning
c) instinct
d) behavior
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