USA And Beef/pork/poultry/seafood Test Question Preview (ID: 19640)
Unit 3 Test.
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Foods that are very common in the Pacific Coast, Hawaiian Islands, and in New England are:
a) Pot luck dinners
b) sea food
c) beans
d) potatoes
Foods that are very common in the West and Southwest are:
a) Spicy foods
b) fast food
c) dried foods
d) pickled foods
The area that is know for their creole cuisine, deep frying , soul food, and buttermilk biscuits is the:
a) Hawaiian islands
b) New England
c) South
d) Mid-Atlantic
Wisconsin is part of what section of the USA
a) Mid-Atlantic
b) New England
c) Pacific Coast
d) Mid-West
Alaska is part of what section of the USA
a) Mid-Atlantic
b) New England
c) Pacific Coast
d) Mid-West
One of the following was not given in class as a reason why people left their homelands to move to the new world
a) To escape debtor's prison
b) religious freedom
c) they wanted to see corn fields
d) in search of fame and fortune
What is the main nutrient found in beef?
a) Niacin
b) Calcium
c) B-vitamins
d) Protein
What are the three grades of beef?
a) Prime, choice, and select
b) Good, better, best
c) Pork, beef, poultry
d) Quality, choice, prime
Which grade of meat has the least amount of marbling?
a) Good
b) Prime
c) Choice
d) Select
Why are locomotion meats tough?
a) because they are moving parts
b) lactic acid
c) because they are muscle
d) both A and B
What temperature should a medium steak be cooked to
a) 140 F
b) 150 F
c) 160 F
d) 170 F
How can I produce tenderness in less tender cuts of meat?
a) scoring
b) marinating
c) grinding
d) all of the above
under cooked ground beef can specifically result in what bacteria
a) e. coli
b) salmonella
c) botulism
d) listera
What is the internal temperature that non-ground pork needs to be?
a) 145 F with 3 minute resting period
b) 155 F with 3 minute resting period
c) 165 F with 3 minute resting period
d) 175 F with 3 minute resting period
Which has a higher level of fat in poultry; white or dark meat
a) white/light
b) dark
Dark meat of flightless birds includes which areas of the bird
a) thigh and wing
b) thigh and breast
c) breast and wing
d) thigh and leg
the internal temperature of a chicken breast should be cooked to what temperature
a) 145 F
b) 155 F
c) 165 F
d) 175 F
Which category are clams, oysters, scallops, squid, and octopus in?
a) crustaceans
b) fat fish
c) lean fish
d) mollusks
What is one way to know that shellfish are fresh?
a) take their temperature
b) they are alive
c) their skin is red or brown
d) they don't smell fishy
which fish category are trout, mackerel, and salmon in?
a) crustacean
b) fat fish
c) lean fish
d) mollusks
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