AP Psychology Chapter 6 Learning Review Game Question Preview (ID: 18994)

This Is A Review Game On Chapter 6: Learning. In This Game You Will Review The Following Concepts: Classical Conditioning , Operant Conditioning, Biological Factors, Social Learning, Cognitive Processes In Learning, And The Scientists Associated. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Who was Classical Conditioning first described by?
a) Edward L. Thornidke.
b) Ivan Pavlov.
c) B.F Skinner.
d) Carl Rogers.

What is another name for the unconditioned response?
a) Unlearned response.
b) A response someone teaches their child.
c) Occurs as an effect of a conditioned stimulus.
d) Learned response.

If you shine a light in a fist tank and the fish ignores you but if you put food inside the fish will swim toward it. However, if you shine a light in the tank before feeding the fish the fish will associate the two. What is the conditioned stimulus?
a) The fish food.
b) The light.
c) The time its being fed.
d) How much food the fish is recieving.

What does CS, US, UR, and CR stand for?
a) Uncertain stimulus, Uncertain stimulus, Uncertain response, Certain response.
b) Unconditioned response, Conditioned stimulus, Certified response, Unconditioned response.
c) Conditioned stimulus, Unconditioned stimulus, Unconditioned recovery, Conditioned recovery.
d) Conditioned stimulus, Unconditioned stimulus, Unconditioned response, and Conditioned response.

What is the famous experiment Albert Bandura created to learn about children's social learning?
a) The Bobo doll experiment.
b) Little Albert experiment.
c) Having children of a camp work together for a common goal.
d) Assigning roles to children and making them believe children with a certain feature were better.

The process of unlearning a behavior.
a) Stimulus
b) Generalization
c) Extinction
d) Reinforcement

Named for its developer, B.F. Skinner; a device capable of delivering a consequence to an animal whenever it makes the desired response by pressing a lever or bar.
a) Skinner box.
b) B.F box.
c) Skinner's Apparatus.
d) The Skinner Test.

Anything that makes a behavior more likely to occur.
a) Extinction.
b) Reinforcement.
c) Conditioned Stimulus.
d) Reinforcer.

Reinforcers that we have learned to value, such as praise or the chance to play a video game.
a) Negative reinforcers.
b) Secondary reinforcers.
c) Native reinforcers.
d) Primary reinforcers.

Reinforcers that are, in themselves, rewarding, such as food, water, and rest.
a) Native reinforcers.
b) Basic reinforcers.
c) Primary reinforcers.
d) Reinforcers.

The original stimulus that elicits an unlearned, natural, reflexive, response.
a) Unconditioned response.
b) Conditioned stimulus.
c) Unconditioned stimulus.
d) Conditioned response.

The learned ability to distinguish between a conditioned stimulus and stimuli that do not signal an unconditioned stimulus.
a) Discrimination.
b) Learned Helplessness.
c) Extinction.
d) Insight.

What is fixed-interval schedule?
a) The reinforcement that reinforces after a select number of times.
b) A reinforcement schedule that reinforces a response after an unpredictable number of responses.
c) Reinforcing the desired response every time it occurs.
d) a reinforcement schedule that reinforces A response only after a specified time has elapsed.

What type of motivation is the desire to perform a behavior effectively for its own sake?
a) Insight.
b) Intrinsic.
c) Extrinsic.
d) Prosocial.

A type of learning that occurs when one suddenly realizes how to solve a problem.
a) Abstract learning.
b) Insight learning.
c) Associative learning.
d) Enlightened learning.

What was once a neutral stimulus that now elicits the conditioned response?
a) Conditioned response.
b) Unconditioned stimulus.
c) Conditioned stimulus.
d) Unconditioned response.

Which is the definition of operant conditioning?
a) Being able to determine that two or more events occur together.
b) When someone is trying to get into shape therefore they are working out.
c) A relatively permanent change in an organism’s behavior due to experience.
d) A type of learning in which behavior is strengthened if followed by a reinforcer or diminished if followed by a punisher.

What is the reappearance, after a pause, of an extinguished conditioned response?
a) Habituation.
b) Repetitive occurance.
c) Spontaneous recovery.
d) Behaviorism.

Which answer choice best explains Shaping?
a) Reinforcers guide behavior toward closer and closer approximations of the desired behavior.
b) Learning that occurs but is not apparent until there is an incentive to demonstrate it.
c) Parents forcing their own beliefs on their children.
d) The method of forcing people to slowly adapt their ideas and thoughts to a person similar to them.

What is the linking of a neutral stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus so that the neutral stimulus begins triggering the conditioned response?
a) Stimulus-Response effect.
b) Partial reinforcement.
c) Acquisition.
d) Respondant behavior.

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