English 2 - Julius C. - Act II Question Preview (ID: 18714)
English 2.
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to behave affectionately
a) fawning
b) prone
c) adorned
d) crimsoned
to decorate or add beauty to; make more attractive
a) prone
b) adorned
c) fawning
d) purgers
natural inclination or tendency to something
a) ruger
b) mutiny
c) dwelling
d) prone
to make or become deep purplish-red
a) color
b) descended
c) mutiny
d) crimsoned
bitter conflict; quarrel, struggle or clash
a) strife
b) comrades
c) prone
d) fawning
person who chare in one's activities; fellow member of a group
a) comrades
b) burdened
c) commission
d) neverland
revolt or rebellion against authority
a) pessimist
b) burdened
c) mutiny
d) fawning
to go or pass from a higher to a lower place; to slope, to tend or lean downward
a) descended
b) burdened
c) oration
d) prone
formal public speech delivered especially at funerals, anniversaries, graduations, etc.
a) orations
b) decorations
c) test
d) prone
to load heavily, troubled
a) orations
b) prone
c) crimsoned
d) burdened
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