Affixes Question Preview (ID: 18600)
Prefixes And Suffixes.
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REheat means
a) heat again
b) not heat
c) the opposite of heat
d) capable of being heated
UNhappy means
a) not happy
b) a person who studies happiness
c) related to happy
d) against happiness
MIDlife means
a) middle of life
b) against life
c) small life
d) wrong life
MISfortune means
a) wrong fortune
b) full of fortune
c) related to fortune
d) one who practices fortune
NON-negotiable means
a) not negotiable
b) the state of negotiating
c) a person who negotiates
d) out of negotiations
A violinIST is
a) one who practices violin
b) full of violin
c) the state of playing the violin
d) a small violin
courageOUS means
a) full of courage
b) one who practices courage
c) the opposite of courage
d) in front of courage
teachABLE means
a) capable of being taught
b) a person who studies teaching
c) related to teaching
d) the state of teaching
slowLY means
a) having the characteristic of being slow
b) one who practices slowness
c) not slow
d) below slow
a) related to the globe
b) the middle of the globe
c) the opposite of the globe
d) half of a globe
bioLOGY means
a) one who studies life (bio)
b) full of life (bio)
c) the state of life (bio)
d) non living (bio)
ANTIgovernment means
a) against the government
b) below the government
c) full of government
d) wrong government
What does DEcompose mean?
a) the opposite of compose
b) not composed
c) wrongly composed
d) a person who composes
What does IMpatient mean?
a) not patient
b) one who practices patience
c) out of patience
d) capable of being patient
What is a MICROblade
a) a small blade
b) a half blade
c) a wrong blade
d) not bladed
What does SUBmarine mean?
a) below the sea (marine)
b) half the sea (marine)
c) not the sea (marine)
d) the middle of the sea (marine)
What is a SEMIcircle?
a) half a circle
b) below a circle
c) one who practices circles
d) related to circles
What does FOREhead mean?
a) in front of the head
b) full of head
c) the middle of the head
d) below the head
What does EXOskeleton mean?
a) out of the skeleton
b) related to a skeleton
c) full of skeletons
d) a person who studies skeletons
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