SMART Goals: Defining And Identifying Question Preview (ID: 17917)

Brush Up On The Definition Of SMART Goals By Remembering The Meaning Of Each Letter Then See If You Can Identify What Component Is Missing From A Written Goal. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What does the S in SMART stand for?
a) Specific - a goal must be focused.
b) Simple - a goal must be easy.
c) Sample - a goal must be typical.
d) Sarcastic - a goal must say one thing and mean another.

What does the M in SMART stand for?
a) Memorable - a goal must be easily remembered
b) Maximum - there are no limits for goals
c) Measurable - a goal must have some kind of number attached so you have a way to know if you are reaching the goal.
d) Mental - you have to be able to think about the goal.

What does the A in SMART stand for?
a) Artistic - a goal must be creative.
b) Admirable - a goal must impress people.
c) Academic - a goal must be scholarly and oriented towards learning.
d) Attainable - a goal must be reachable; you CAN do it.

What does the R in Smart stand for?
a) Responsible -a goal must allow you to take charge.
b) Respectful - a goal must allow you to be kind and polite.
c) Relevant - a goal must mean something to you so youu WILL do it.
d) Repeatable - you must be able to do the goal over and over again.

What does the T in SMART stand for?
a) Time-bound - the goal must be reached within a specific length of time.
b) Thoughtful - a goal must take into account the feelings of others.
c) Transferable - a goal should be able to be shared with other people.
d) Trust-worthy - a goal should be worthy.

What part of SMART is missing from this goal? I will improve my grade in science by the end of the semester
a) Not specific enough
b) Not time-bound
c) Not measurable
d) Not attainable

What part of SMART is missing? I will exercize at the gym three times a week.
a) Not specific enough
b) Not time-bound
c) Not measurable
d) Not attainable

What part of SMART is missing? I will lose thirty pounds by the end of this month.
a) Not specific enough
b) Not time bound
c) Not measurable
d) Not attainable

What part of SMART is missing? I will play more computer games with my brother this semester.
a) Not specific enough
b) Not time bound
c) Not measurable
d) Not attainable

What part of SMART is missing? This month, the first time my mother asks me to do something, I will do what she asks..
a) Not specific enough
b) Not time bound
c) Not measurable
d) Not attainable

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