What Is Energy? Question Preview (ID: 17770)

Energy: Unit 2 Lesson 1. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is the most basic unit of matter?
a) atom
b) neutron
c) proton
d) electron

What are plant materials and animal waste used as fuel known as?
a) Fossil Fuels
b) Combustion
c) Biomass
d) Hydropower

What is it called when you use a resource wisely?
a) Conservation
b) Combustion
c) Renewable
d) Electricity

What is the flow of electrical charge called?
a) Conservation
b) Hydropower
c) Combustion
d) Electricity

What is the ability to do work or cause a change known as?
a) Force
b) Work
c) Power
d) Energy

Which of the following is a type of renewable energy related to the heat of the earth's interior?
a) Hydropower
b) Geothermal Energy
c) Biomass
d) Nuclear Energy

Which of the following is a type of renewable energy related to the force of moving water?
a) Hydropower
b) Geothermal Energy
c) Solar Energy
d) Nuclear Energy

This is a type of energy source that is limited in supply and cannot be made again easily.
a) Renewable Energy
b) Non-renewable Energy
c) Geothermal Energy
d) Hydropower

What is the center of an atom called?
a) Biomass
b) Nucleus
c) Heat
d) Bonds

This is a type of energy resource that can be renewed by nature within a human lifetime.
a) Renewable Energy
b) Non-renewable Energy
c) Nuclear Energy
d) Fossil Fuel

What is the use of force to move an object known as?
a) Energy
b) Power
c) Work
d) Heat

What type of energy is stored in the bonds between atoms and molecules?
a) Light
b) Chemical
c) Nuclear
d) Sound

What is it called when the nucleus of an atom splits?
a) Fission
b) Fusion
c) Bonding
d) Combustion

What are the main types of energy released by a fire?
a) Sound and Light
b) Nuclear and Heat
c) Light and Heat
d) Chemical and Sound

Which type of atom is most often used in a nuclear power plant?
a) Carbon
b) Helium
c) Hydrogen
d) Uranium

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