Components #2 Question Preview (ID: 1772)

Component Therapy, Labeling, And Storage Equipment. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is the expected increase in Hgb when transfusing 1 RBC unit?
a) 10 g/dL
b) 10 g/L
c) 1 g/dL
d) 0.1 g/dL

What is the expected increase in platelet count when transfusing 1 apheresis platelet?
a) 5,000 - 10,000/uL
b) 20,000 - 60,000/uL
c) 50,000 - 60,000/uL
d) 80,000 - 100,000/uL

Which of the following is an indication for transfusing FFP?
a) Patient with Hemophilia
b) Fibrinogen replacement
c) Thrombocytopenia
d) Deficiency in multiple labile coagulation factors

All of the following are true about a granulocyte recipient EXCEPT:
a) Have severe neutropenia
b) Usually receive granulocyte granulocyte transfusions for 1 or 2 days
c) Have a bacterial or fungal infection present
d) Have a good chance of survival following granulocyte therapy

Factors to consider when selecting platelets for transfusion include all of the following EXCEPT:
a) RBC alloantibodies
b) ABO compatibility
c) Rh compatibility
d) HLA alloimmunization

All of the following must be on the label of an allogeneic blood component EXCEPT:
a) Unique Id number
b) Donor Id number
c) Name of anticoagulant/preservative/additive solution
d) Collecting facility

True or False: Autologous units must be labeled with the statement BIOZARAD if an infectious disease test result is positive
a) True
b) False

How often do you need to record the temperature for blood product refrigerators?
a) Daily
b) Hourly
c) At least every 4 hours
d) At least every 12 hours

True or False: Alarm checks to test internal equipment monitors do NOT need to be performed.
a) True
b) False

If an equipment alarms which of the following MUST occur:
a) Products must be moved to another location
b) Out of range results are explained/documented
c) Supervisor is notified
d) Thermometer is recalibrated

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