Components #1 Question Preview (ID: 1753)

Component Processing, Storage, And Quality Control. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is the shelf life for an ACD (Acid-Citrate-Dextrose) RBC unit?
a) 21 days
b) 35 days
c) 42 days
d) 48 days

What is the shelf life for a CPD AS-1 (Citrate-Phosphate-Dextrose Adsol) RBC unit?
a) 21 days
b) 35 days
c) 42 days
d) 48 days

The strorage temperature for RBCs is:
a) 0-6 degrees C
b) 1-10 degrees C
c) 0-8 degrees C
d) 1-6 degrees C

What is the storage temperature and outdate for platelets?
a) 20-24 degrees C, constant agitation, 7 days
b) 20-24 degrees C, constant agitation, 5 days
c) 1-8 degrees C, constant agitation, 5 days
d) 20-24 degrees C, no agitation, 7 days

Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP) stored at -18 degrees C has a shelf life of:
a) 1 year
b) 5 years
c) 7 years
d) 10 years

Granulocytes have the following storage requirements:
a) 20-24 degrees C, agitation, 24 hours
b) 20-24 degrees C, no agitation, 48 hours
c) 1-6 degrees C, no agitation, 24 hours
d) 20-24 degrees C, no agitation, 24 hours

Which of the following biochemical changes occur to RBCs during storage?
a) Decrease in ATP, 2,3 DPG: Increase in pH, K+
b) Decrease in K+: Increase in pH, ATP, 2,3 DPG
c) Decrease in pH, ATP, 2,3 DPG: Increase in K+
d) Decrease in pH, ATP, K+: Increase in 2,3 DPG

What is the wbc count QC criteria for leukoreduced RBCs?
a) 5x10^6 in 95% of units tested
b) 3x10^6 in 95% of units tested
c) 5x10^3 in 95% of units tested
d) 5x10^9 in 95% of units tested

What is the platelet count QC criteria for aphereisis platelets?
a) 5.0x10^11 in 90% of units tested
b) 3.0x10^11 in 90% of units tested
c) 3.0x10^3 in 90% of units tested
d) 5.0x10^3 in 90% of units tested

For plasma to be labeled as Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP) it must be frozen within:
a) 2 hours from shipment
b) 24 hours of collection
c) 8 hours from shipment
d) 8 hours from collection

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