Cotton Cattle And Railroads Question Preview (ID: 17415)
7th Grade Unit 9.
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Cattle drives and wars with Indians in Texas took place during this era
a) 1820-1835
b) 1836-1845
c) 1860-1900
d) 1920-1935
The development of ranching instead of farming in West Texas was primarily influenced by
a) water resources
b) politics
c) railroads
d) discovery of oil
After the Civil War, American Indians
a) had drought and famine
b) moved west to find buffalo
c) switched to farming
d) were relocated to reservations
Which of the following was NOT a means of transportation during the time
a) automobiles
b) railroads
c) horses
d) steamboats
Who was a former Texas governor and set up Texas Railroad Commission
a) James Hogg
b) Ms Foster
c) Boss Ikard
d) Charles Goodnight
Why did Germans immigrate to Texas?
a) cheap land and good climate
b) more food
c) wars in Germany
d) help build the railroads
What part of Texas is cattle mainly found in?
a) North
b) South
c) East
d) West
What was NOT a factor that fostered westward expansion into Texas?
a) removal of American Indians
b) growth of railroads
c) failure of cotton crops
d) land for farming and ranching
Who adapted to the environment with the fewest modificiations?
a) American Indians
b) farmers
c) ranchers
d) miners
What is a modern day solution for delivering water to dry arid land?
a) desalinzation
b) windmills
c) water restriction
d) irrigation
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