Vocab Question Preview (ID: 17388)
10th Grade Vocabulary List.
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a) to ignite
b) to blot out or leave no traces
c) deviating from the right path or usual course of action
d) intentionally mischievous or harmful
a) to make something seem less important
b) to arouse suddenly
c) to make easy
d) to decline
a) to make easy
b) none of the above
c) spiteful
d) to decline
a) to arouse suddenly
b) cupcakes
c) to make easy; to bring out
d) to sleep
a) to arouse suddenly
b) to search
c) to read
d) none of the above
a) a sport played in Italy
b) food
c) the specialized vocabulary of members of a group
d) to decline
a) a maze
b) spiteful
c) a reading tool
d) to ignite; to arouse or inspire
a) a maze
b) to blot out or leave no traces
c) to lie
d) to make something seem less important
a) to destroy
b) very good
c) spiteful; intentionally mischievous or harmful
d) to count
a) to blot out or leave no traces
b) to make easy or less complicated
c) a mental disorder
d) none of the above
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