Introduction To Angles Revision Question Preview (ID: 17341)
Identify, Describe And Name Angles.
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How are angles formed
a) When 2 lines meet
b) With one pair of parallel line
c) when two rays meet
d) when line segments are created
What is a line segment
a) a part of a line with one end point
b) a continuous set of points to goes on without ending
c) a part of a line between two end points
d) a point on a flat plane
Which of the following identifies four type of angles
a) convex, concave, reflex, acute
b) reflex, acute, parallel, intersecting
c) obtuse, acute, right, intersecting
d) obtuse, reflex, acute, right
Which best describes a right angle
a) an angle that measures less than 90 degrees
b) an angle that measures 90 degrees
c) an angle that measures more than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees
d) an angle that measures 180 degrees
Which best describes acute angles
a) any angle measuring less than 90 degrees
b) any angle measuring 90 degrees
c) any angle measuring more than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees
d) any angle measuring 180 degrees
Which best describes obtuse angles
a) any angle measuring less than 90 degrees
b) any angle measuring 90 degrees
c) any angle measuring more than 180 degrees but less than 360 degrees
d) any angle measuring more than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees
an angle measuring 190 degrees may best be described as a
a) right angle
b) straight line
c) reflex angle
d) acute angle
Which of the following best describe parallel lines
a) lines that meet at a right angle
b) lines having equal distance apart at every point but never meet
c) lines that do not form a right angle when they meet
d) lines forming a triangle
Which of the following best describe perpendicular lines
a) lines forming a triangle
b) lines that do not form a right angle when they meet
c) line having equal distance apart at every point but never meet
d) lines that meet at a right angle
A complete circle measures
a) 90 degrees
b) 180 degrees
c) 360 degrees
d) 180 degrees
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