Gad Review 4 Question Preview (ID: 17265)
Exam Review 4.
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Tennis is an example of:
a) multiple individual players vs. game
b) cooperative play
c) player vs. player
d) single player vs. game
Solitaire is an example of
a) multiple individual players vs. game
b) cooperative play
c) player vs. player
d) single player vs. game
Without______, games have no reason to exist
a) objectives
b) consequences
c) rules
d) players
The game 'Connect Four': be the first player to place four units in a contiguous line on the playing grid. This is an example of which game objective?
a) forbidden act
b) capture
c) alignment
d) outwit
The object in this type of game is to build, maintain, or manage objects. The game may be directly competitive or indirectly competitive.
a) forbidden act
b) construction
c) alignment
d) rescue or escape
Which game object is NOT often associated with digital games?
a) forbidden act
b) construction
c) alignment
d) rescue or escape
Be the last person with any property and money because you bankrupt all the other players
a) the rules of Monopoly
b) the consequences of Monopoly
c) the Objective of Monopoly
d) the procedures of Monopoly
_______ accomplished by purchase price, the cost of time to locate them or the risk involved in fighting off monsters or other protective methods
a) scarcity is
b) procedures are
c) rules are
d) leveling is
The intense competition marks this pattern for focused head-to-head play
a) single player vs game
b) cooperative play
c) player vs player
d) multilateral competition
Game structure in which three or more players directly compete
a) multilateral competition
b) player vs. player
c) unilateral competition
d) cooperative play
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To play games using the questions from above, visit and enter game ID number: 17265 in the upper right hand corner or click here.
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