Age Of Reason Question Preview (ID: 17020)

World History. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Abolished serfdom
a) Joseph II
b) Denis Diderot
c) Frederick the Great
d) Catherine the Great

Composed classical music
a) Hayden, Mozart, Beethoven
b) Mr. Richards
c) 2 Pac
d) Katy Perry

Ruled Russia as an enlightened despot
a) Catherine the Great
b) Frederick the Great
c) Denis Diderot
d) Marie-Therese Geoffrin

Ruled Prussia as an enlightened despot
a) Frederick the Great
b) Catherine the Great
c) Denis Diderot
d) Samuel Richardson and Henry Fielding

Edited and published the Encyclopedia
a) Denis Diderot
b) Samauel Richardson and Henry Fielding
c) Joseph II
d) Mr. McGuire

Ruled Austria as an enlightened despot.
a) Joseph II
b) Catherine the Great
c) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
d) Frederick the Great

Brutally crushed a massive uprising of serfs
a) Elisabeth-Louise Vigee-Le Brun
b) Frederick the Great
c) Marie-Therese Geoffrin
d) Catherine the Great

Criticized the institution of serfdom, but did little to end it
a) Catherine the Great
b) Hayden
c) Elisabeth-Louise Vigee-Le Brun
d) Henry Fielding

Who wrote the (Pamela) on page 553
a) Samauel Richardson
b) Elisabeth-Louise Vigee-Le Brun
c) Denis Diderot
d) Joseph II

Ran the most influential of Paris salons during the Enlightment
a) Marie-Therese Geoffrin
b) Elisabeth-Louise Vigee-Le Brun
c) Catherine the Great
d) Beethoven

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