Air Masses Question Preview (ID: 17)

Air Mass Location And Resulting Weather Characteristics. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which surface features would give an air mass mT characteristics?
a) warm, moist surfaces
b) cold, moist surfaces
c) warm, dry surfaces
d) cold, dry surfaces

The properties of an airmass depend mainly on the
a) characteristics of the surface over which the airmass was formed
b) wind speed within the airmass
c) size of the airmass
d) rotation of the Earth

The characteristics of an airmass which formed over the Gulf of Mexico would probably be
a) warm and humid
b) cool and humid
c) warm and dry
d) cool and dry

An air mass originating over the North Pacific Ocean would most likely be
a) maritime polar
b) maritime tropical
c) continental tropical
d) continental polar

On a weather map, an airmass that is very warm and dry would be labeled
a) cT
b) cP
c) mT
d) mP

A mT airmass would most likely originate over which type of Earth surface?
a) warm and moist
b) cold and moist
c) cold and dry
d) warm and dry

Compared to a maritime tropical airmass, a maritime polar airmass has
a) lower temperature and less water vapor
b) lower temperature and more water vapor
c) higher temperature and less water vapor
d) higher temperature and more water vapor

In which geographic region are air masses most often warm with a high moisture content?
a) Gulf of Mexico
b) North Pacific Ocean
c) Central Canada
d) Central Mexico

An airmass originating over north central Canada would most likely be
a) cold and dry
b) cold and moist
c) warm and dry
d) warm and moist

Which symbol would be used to identify an airmass originating in central Canada?
a) cP
b) cT
c) mP
d) mT

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