Chapter 6 Part 1 Question Preview (ID: 16992)
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One measure of the human impact on the biosphere is called
a) biological magnification
b) biological diversity
c) ecological hot spot
d) ecological footprint
Protecting an entire ecosystem ensures that
a) captive breeding programs will succeed.
b) existing parks and reserves will expand.
c) governments will set aside land.
d) interactions among many species will be preserved.
A benefit of monoculture farming practices is
a) the ability to grow a lot of food.
b) the ability to spend less money on fertilizer.
c) the use of less water for irrigation.
d) disease and pest resistance of the crops.
What is one negative consequence of the Industrial Revolution?
a) fewer jobs for people living in cities
b) more expensive clothes
c) environmental harm from the burning of fossil fuels
d) people working longer hours at their jobs
An example of a renewable resource is
a) oil
b) natural gas
c) coal
d) trees
Breathable air and drinkable water are
a) always free to everyone
b) examples of ecosystem goods and services.
c) not easy to find in healthy ecosystems.
d) provided by city governments.
Using resources in way that does not cause long-term environmental harm is called
a) sustainable development
b) monoculture
c) biological magnification
d) subsistence hunting.
When farming, overgrazing, climate change, and/or seasonal drought change farmland into land that cannot support plant life, it is called
a) destertification
b) depletion
c) deforestation
d) monoculture
As DDT moves up the trophic levels in food chains or food webs its concentration
a) stays the same
b) increases
c) decreases
d) is eliminated
The gray-brown haze often found over large cities is called
a) acid rain
b) greenhouse gases
c) particulates
d) smog
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