Social Responsibility Question Preview (ID: 16959)
Review For 1st Semester Final.
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AN example of a non-renewable resource would be?
a) solar energy
b) gold
c) agricultural products
d) a library book
The americans with disabilities Act requires a company
a) provide training to people with disabilities
b) find ways to help workers who are physically challenged
c) hire a certain number of people with special needs
d) adapt products manufactured for special needs customers
A code of ethics is designed to
a) meet government regulations
b) reduce operating costs of a company
c) provide guidelines for proper behavior
d) improve employee productivity
Ethics are...
a) principles of morality or rules of conduct
b) a set rules for guiding actions of employees or members of an orginization
c) a common benefit of socially responsible activities
d) enhanced company image
Business ethics are...
a) enhanced company image
b) reduced need for the government
c) set rules for guiding actions of employees or members of an organization
d) non- renewable resources
non-renewable resources is a....
a) social responsibility
b) enviroment
c) resource that can be replaced
d) a natural resource that cant be replace when used up
an example of a renewable resource is...
a) Ag. products
b) water
c) coal
d) iron
what is an example of a non-renewable resource
a) gold
b) ag. products
c) plastic
d) glass
who has a code of ethics
a) businesses
b) homes
c) cars
d) farms
an example of conservation is...
a) recycling
b) polluting
c) loitering
d) disposing of trash in the pond
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